A YOUNG FILIPINO BUSINESSWOMAN WORKING HER WAY UP THE CORPORATE LADDER IN HONG KONG DISCOVERS HER VOCATION TO LIVE IN GREAT SIMPLICITY AND TRUE FREEDOM AS A LITTLE SISTER OF THE POOR. Sr. Marie Cecilia finds joy in being “the begging Sister” in service of the elderly who are in need and relates some of the many spiritual and material blessings that flow from this particular aspect of the Little Sisters’ apostolate. Sr. Carolyn comments on how the younger Little Sisters—having come from the abundance that society offers—seem to be intuitively drawn to the simplicity of life. Like their senior Sisters, they embrace the begging with humble joy--and they carry it out so well!
St. Joseph is introduced as the patron and provider of the Little Sisters of the Poor, the mediary through whom God blesses their confidence in His Divine Providence. Questions? Comments? lspusapodcast@gmail.com